Contents include:
Environmental Justice and the 2018 PCM State Conference
PCUSA Statement on U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement
Return to the Nonviolent Christ
Training for Nonviolence with Meta Peace Team
PCM Loses Friend: Ann Briganti
PCM State Council Musings
Local Group Updates
Coming Events!
Contents include:
PCM’s 2017 Purple Ribbon for Peace Awardees, Ron & Carol Jachim
Kezia Curtis: Our 2017 Young Peace Activist
PCM’s Statement on Gun Violence
Challenging the Just War theory
Our 2016 Fall Retreat Experience
PCM Members Attend Premier of “American Prophet”
Local Group Updates
Reminder: Register for our 36th Annual State Conference

Contents include:
Statement on Vatican Conference on Nonviolence and Just Peace
A Review of Our 35th Annual State Conference
Pax Christi Michigan Outreach
PCUSA’s Racism Training for Trainers
Sad News: The Passing of Mary Hennig
PCM Celebrates the Life of Sigrid Dale
Invitation to our 2016 Retreat
Local Group Updates and State Council Musings
Announcing our 36th Annual State Conference!