Strategic Planning for the Future
In October of 2015, the Pax Christi Michigan State Council sat down to create a strategic plan for the coming years. Facilitated by Sr. Maureen Mulcrone, we were expertly guided through the process of developing a plan of growth and sustainability. We’d like to share the outcome with all of you as members invested in Pax Christi Michigan’s future:
Pax Christi USA Vision: “A more peaceful, just and sustainable world through the efforts of our members and in collaboration with other groups.”
Pax Christi Michigan’s Vision Statement: “Pax Christi Michigan works to bring about peace locally, nationally and globally through prayer, study and action. We are rooted in spirituality, dedicated to studying issues of justice from the vantage point of all those involved, and espouse working for peace with justice through nonviolent conflict transformation”.
GOAL 1: Determine a FOCUS for PCM (Yearly/Periodic/Permanent)
FOCUS - Based on 10-24-2015 Strategic Planning Meeting:
Pursue Peace and Justice Nonviolently Through
Prayer, Study & Action
Top 3 Issues Based on Focus:
War and Violence
Emphasize Federal military budget vs. human needs
Issue PCM statements and press releases
Get our materials and other resources to parishes/local PCM groups
Encourage Church to Lift Up Catholic Social Teaching and the Gospel
Establish effective contacts at parishes/dioceses/vicariates; include youth ministers (goal = contact 50 parishes)
Add resources for parish bulletins and P&J liturgies to our website
Become clearing house for P&J liturgies
Offer parish bulletin articles on Catholic Social Teaching (CST)
Educate Catholic parishes and other faith-based organizations about CST
Offer PCM newsletter distribution for parishes
Establish contacts at parishes, Gamaliel chapters, and civil rights organizations and distribute PCM materials where possible
Contact professional organizations comprised of people of color
Offer prayer and study options on our website
GOAL 2: Increase and Diversify Membership
Attract younger members (campuses; JVC; volunteer groups; Mercy Corps; Catholic high schools and colleges)
Broaden PCM name recognition/branding/visibility
Seek co-sponsoring and partnering opportunities with like-minded groups
Access vicariates and other recognized structures (e.g., Elephants in the Living Room)